Source code for atomicds.results.rheed_image

from __future__ import annotations

from uuid import UUID

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import trackpy as tp
from monty.json import MSONable
from networkx import Graph
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from PIL import Image as PILImage
from PIL import ImageDraw
from PIL.Image import Image

from atomicds.client import mask_util
from atomicds.core import boxes_overlap, generate_graph_from_nodes

# test comment

[docs] class RHEEDImageResult(MSONable):
[docs] def __init__( self, data_id: UUID | str, processed_data_id: UUID | str, processed_image: Image, mask: NDArray | None, pattern_graph: Graph | None, metadata: dict | None = None, ): """RHEED image result Args: data_id (UUID | str): Data ID for the entry in the data catalogue. processed_data_id (UUID | str): Processed data ID for the entry in the catalogue. processed_image (Image): Processed image data in a PIL Image format. mask (NDArray | None): Array containing binary segmentation mask. pattern_graph (Graph | None): NetworkX Graph object for the extracted diffraction pattern. metadata (dict): Generic metadata (e.g. timestamp, cluster_id, etc...). """ metadata = metadata or {} self.data_id = data_id self.processed_data_id = processed_data_id self.processed_image = processed_image self.mask = mask self.pattern_graph = pattern_graph self.metadata = metadata
[docs] def get_plot( self, show_mask: bool = True, show_spot_nodes: bool = True, symmetrize: bool = False, alpha: float = 0.2, ) -> Image: """Get diffraction pattern image with optional overlays Args: show_mask (bool): Whether to show mask overlay of identified pattern. Defaults to True. show_spot_nodes (bool): Whether to show identified diffraction node overlays. Defaults to True. Returns: (Image): PIL Image object with optional overlays """ image = self.processed_image.copy().convert("RGBA") draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) if symmetrize and self.pattern_graph is not None: node_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( dict(self.pattern_graph.nodes(data=True)), orient="index" ) _, pattern_graph = self._symmetrize(node_df) else: pattern_graph = self.pattern_graph if pattern_graph: for node_id, node_data in # type: ignore # noqa: PGH003 if show_spot_nodes: # Draw nodes y = node_data.get("centroid_0") x = node_data.get("centroid_1") if x and y: center = (x, y) radius = 0.02 * max(image.width, image.height) color = (255, 0, 0, 255) if node_id > 0 else (0, 255, 0, 255) draw.ellipse( ( center[0] - radius, center[1] - radius, center[0] + radius, center[1] + radius, ), fill=color, ) draw.text( xy=(center[0] - (radius / 2), center[1] - radius), text=str(node_id), fill=(255, 255, 255, 255), ) if show_mask and self.mask is not None: overlay = np.zeros((*self.mask.shape, 4), dtype=np.uint8) overlay[np.where(self.mask)] = [255, 0, 0, int(alpha * (255))] overlay_image = PILImage.fromarray(overlay) image.paste(overlay_image, mask=overlay_image) return image
[docs] def get_laue_zero_radius(self) -> tuple[float, tuple[float, float]]: """ Get the radius of the zeroth order Laue zone. Note that the data is symmetrized across the vertical axis before the Laue zone is searched for. Returns: (tuple[float, tuple[float, float]]): Tuple containing the best fit radius and center point. """ node_data = [] if self.pattern_graph is not None: node_data.append( pd.DataFrame.from_dict( dict(self.pattern_graph.nodes(data=True)), orient="index" ) ) node_df = pd.concat(node_data, axis=0).reset_index(drop=True) node_df, _ = self._symmetrize(node_df) image_array = np.array(self.processed_image) thetas = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 1440) radiis = np.linspace(100, 1400, 2000) intersection_point = ( node_df.loc[node_df["node_id"] == node_df["node_id"].min()][ ["intensity_centroid_0", "intensity_centroid_1"] ] .to_numpy() .squeeze() + node_df.loc[node_df["node_id"] == node_df["node_id"].min()][ ["specular_origin_0", "specular_origin_1"] ] .to_numpy() .squeeze() ) result_matrix = [] for r0 in radiis: x_center, y_center = intersection_point[1], intersection_point[0] - r0 x_points = r0 * np.cos(thetas) + x_center y_points = r0 * np.sin(thetas) + y_center int_x_points = np.round(x_points).astype(int) int_y_points = np.round(y_points).astype(int) coords = np.hstack( [int_x_points.reshape(-1, 1), int_y_points.reshape(-1, 1)] ) coords = coords[coords[:, 1] >= 0] coords = coords[coords[:, 0] >= 0] coords = coords[coords[:, 1] < image_array.shape[0]] coords = coords[coords[:, 0] < image_array.shape[1]] if len(coords) == 0: continue intensities = image_array[coords[:, 1], coords[:, 0]] result_matrix.append(np.quantile(intensities, 0.9)) best_fit_radius = np.mean(radiis[np.argsort(result_matrix)][-30:]) return best_fit_radius, [intersection_point[0] - best_fit_radius, x_center] # type: ignore # noqa: PGH003
[docs] def get_pattern_dataframe( self, extra_data: dict | None = None, symmetrize: bool = False, return_as_features: bool = False, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Featurize the RHEED image collection into a dataframe of node features and edge features. Args: extra_data (dict | None): Dictionary containing field names and values of extra data to be included in the DataFrame object. Defaults to None. symmetrize (bool): Whether to symmetrize the data across the vertical axis. Defaults to False. return_as_features (bool): Whether to return a feature-foward version of the DataFrame. Defaults to False. Returns: (DataFrame): Pandas DataFrame object of RHEED node and edge features. """ extra_data = extra_data or {} node_feature_cols = [ "spot_area", "streak_area", "relative_centroid_0", "relative_centroid_1", "intensity_centroid_0", "intensity_centroid_1", "specular_origin_0", "specular_origin_1", "fwhm_0", "fwhm_1", "area", "eccentricity", "center_distance", "axis_major_length", "axis_minor_length", "roughness_metric", ] # TODO: add edge features # edge_feature_cols = ["weight", "horizontal_weight", "vertical_weight", "horizontal_overlap"] node_data = [] if self.pattern_graph is not None: node_data.append( pd.DataFrame.from_dict( dict(self.pattern_graph.nodes(data=True)), orient="index" ) ) node_df = pd.concat(node_data, axis=0).reset_index(drop=True) if symmetrize: node_df, _ = self._symmetrize(node_df) extra_data_df = pd.DataFrame.from_records( [ {"data_id": self.data_id, "processed_data_id": self.processed_data_id} | extra_data ] ) node_df["data_id"] = self.data_id feature_df: pd.DataFrame = node_df.pivot_table( index="data_id", columns="node_id", values=node_feature_cols ) feature_df.columns = feature_df.columns.to_flat_index() feature_df = feature_df.merge( extra_data_df, left_index=True, right_on="data_id", how="inner" ) feature_df = feature_df.rename( columns={col: (col, "") for col in extra_data_df.columns} ) feature_df.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(feature_df.columns) keep_cols = node_feature_cols + list(extra_data.keys()) if return_as_features: return feature_df[keep_cols] # type: ignore # noqa: PGH003 return node_df # type: ignore # noqa: PGH003
@staticmethod def _symmetrize(node_df: pd.DataFrame): """Symmetrize a DataFrame object containing RHEED image node data""" def reflect_mask( mask_obj: str, height: int, width: int, origin: float ) -> str | bytes: """Reflect a list of RLE masks across the vertical axis""" mask_array: np.ndarray = mask_util.decode( {"counts": mask_obj, "size": (height, width)} # type: ignore # noqa: PGH003 ) origin = int(np.round(origin, 0)) num_cols_to_mirror = mask_array.shape[1] - origin reflected_array = mask_array.copy() # For columns before the origin position, swap them with their mirrored counterparts for i in range(origin, origin - num_cols_to_mirror, -1): swap_index = origin + (origin - i) if swap_index < mask_array.shape[1]: reflected_array[:, i], reflected_array[:, swap_index] = ( mask_array[:, swap_index].copy(), mask_array[:, i].copy(), ) return mask_util.encode(np.asfortranarray(reflected_array))["counts"] def merge_masks(masks: list[str], height, width) -> str: """Merge a list of RLE masks using logical OR""" mask_objs = [ mask_util.decode({"counts": mm, "size": (height, width)}) # type: ignore # noqa: PGH003 for mm in masks ] merged_mask = np.asfortranarray(np.logical_or.reduce(mask_objs)) return mask_util.encode(merged_mask) # type: ignore # noqa: PGH003 def merge_overlaps(node_df): """Merge overlapping nodes in a DataFrame object. Use recursively until no overlaps remain.""" first_row = node_df.iloc[[0]] original_dtypes = first_row.dtypes agg_dict = { "centroid_0": "mean", "centroid_1": "mean", "intensity_centroid_0": "mean", "intensity_centroid_1": "mean", "relative_centroid_0": "mean", "relative_centroid_1": "mean", "bbox_minc": "mean", "bbox_minr": "mean", "bbox_maxc": "mean", "bbox_maxr": "mean", "area": "mean", "node_id": "min", "pattern_id": lambda x: x.iloc[0], "specular_origin_0": "mean", "specular_origin_1": "mean", "center_distance": "mean", "fwhm_0": "mean", "fwhm_1": "mean", "mask_rle": lambda x: x.tolist(), "mask_width": lambda x: x.iloc[0], "mask_height": lambda x: x.iloc[0], "eccentricity": "mean", "axis_major_length": "mean", "axis_minor_length": "mean", "bbox_intensity": "mean", "spot_area": "mean", "streak_area": "mean", "roughness_metric": "mean", "distances": "mean", } new_df = pd.DataFrame() for i in range(len(node_df)): current_bbox = node_df.iloc[i][ ["bbox_minc", "bbox_minr", "bbox_maxc", "bbox_maxr"] ] overlapping_nodes = node_df[ node_df.apply( lambda row, current_bbox=current_bbox: boxes_overlap( current_bbox, row[["bbox_minc", "bbox_minr", "bbox_maxc", "bbox_maxr"]], ), axis=1, ) ] merged_row = overlapping_nodes.agg(agg_dict) new_mask = merge_masks( # type: ignore # noqa: PGH003 merged_row["mask_rle"], merged_row["mask_height"], merged_row["mask_width"], )["counts"] merged_row["mask_rle"] = new_mask new_df = pd.concat([new_df, merged_row], axis=1) new_df = new_df.T.astype(original_dtypes).reset_index(drop=True) agg_dict["mask_rle"] = lambda x: merge_masks( # type: ignore # noqa: PGH003 x, new_df["mask_height"].iloc[0], # type: ignore # noqa: PGH003 new_df["mask_width"].iloc[0], # type: ignore # noqa: PGH003 )[ "counts" ] new_df = new_df.groupby("node_id").agg(agg_dict).reset_index(drop=True) # relabel node_id > 1000 to monotonically increase from the largest ID < 1000 while new_df["node_id"].max() > 1000: max_id = new_df.loc[new_df["node_id"] < 1000]["node_id"].max() new_df.loc[new_df["node_id"] == new_df["node_id"].max(), "node_id"] = ( max_id + 1 ) return new_df reflection_plane = node_df["specular_origin_1"].mean() left_nodes = node_df.loc[node_df["centroid_1"] < reflection_plane] right_nodes = node_df.loc[node_df["centroid_1"] > reflection_plane] # TODO: The repeat code here can be condensed. left_to_right = left_nodes.copy() left_to_right["centroid_1"] = reflection_plane + ( reflection_plane - left_to_right["centroid_1"] ) left_to_right["intensity_centroid_1"] = -left_to_right["intensity_centroid_1"] left_to_right["relative_centroid_1"] = -left_to_right["relative_centroid_1"] left_to_right["mask_rle"] = left_to_right["mask_rle"].apply( lambda x: reflect_mask( x, left_to_right["mask_height"].iloc[0], left_to_right["mask_width"].iloc[0], left_to_right["specular_origin_1"].iloc[0], ) ) new_max = ( reflection_plane + (reflection_plane - left_to_right["bbox_minc"]) ).astype(int) new_min = ( reflection_plane + (reflection_plane - left_to_right["bbox_maxc"]) ).astype(int) left_to_right["bbox_maxc"] = new_max left_to_right["bbox_minc"] = new_min left_to_right["node_id"] = left_to_right["node_id"] + 1000 right_to_left = right_nodes.copy() right_to_left["centroid_1"] = reflection_plane - ( right_to_left["centroid_1"] - reflection_plane ) right_to_left["intensity_centroid_1"] = -right_to_left["intensity_centroid_1"] right_to_left["relative_centroid_1"] = -right_to_left["relative_centroid_1"] right_to_left["mask_rle"] = right_to_left["mask_rle"].apply( lambda x: reflect_mask( x, right_to_left["mask_height"].iloc[0], right_to_left["mask_width"].iloc[0], right_to_left["specular_origin_1"].iloc[0], ) ) new_max = ( reflection_plane - (right_to_left["bbox_minc"] - reflection_plane) ).astype(int) new_min = ( reflection_plane - (right_to_left["bbox_maxc"] - reflection_plane) ).astype(int) right_to_left["bbox_minc"] = new_min right_to_left["bbox_maxc"] = new_max right_to_left["node_id"] = right_to_left["node_id"] + 2000 node_df = pd.concat( [node_df, left_to_right, right_to_left], axis=0 ).reset_index(drop=True) if node_df.empty: return node_df new_df = merge_overlaps(node_df) while len(new_df) != len(node_df): node_df = new_df.copy(deep=True) # type: ignore # noqa: PGH003 new_df = merge_overlaps(node_df) new_pattern_graph = generate_graph_from_nodes(new_df) # type: ignore # noqa: PGH003 return new_df, new_pattern_graph
# TODO: Add tests for RHEEDImageCollection
[docs] class RHEEDImageCollection(MSONable):
[docs] def __init__( self, rheed_images: list[RHEEDImageResult], extra_data: list[dict] | None = None, sort_key: str | None = None, ): """Collection of RHEED images Args: rheed_images (list[RHEEDImageResult]): List of RHEEDImageResult objects. extra_data (list[dict] | None): List of dictionaries containing field names and values of extra data to be included in the DataFrame object. Defaults to None. sort_key (str | None): Key used to sort the data with. """ self._extra_data = extra_data or [] # type: ignore # noqa: PGH003 if len(self._extra_data) > 0 and len(self._extra_data) != len(rheed_images): raise ValueError( "List of extra data must be the same length as the RHEED image collection." ) self._sort_key = sort_key if self._sort_key is not None: sorted_indices = self._sort_by_extra_data_key(self._sort_key) else: sorted_indices = list(range(len(rheed_images))) for idx, rheed_image in enumerate(rheed_images): if rheed_image.pattern_graph: for node in rheed_image.pattern_graph.nodes: rheed_image.pattern_graph.nodes[node]["pattern_id"] = idx self._rheed_images = [rheed_images[idx] for idx in sorted_indices] self._extra_data = ( [self._extra_data[idx] for idx in sorted_indices] if len(self._extra_data) else self._extra_data )
@property def rheed_images(self): return self._rheed_images @property def extra_data(self): return self._extra_data @property def sort_key(self): return self._sort_key
[docs] def align_fingerprints( self, node_df: pd.DataFrame | None = None, inplace: bool = False, search_range=0.2, ) -> RHEEDImageCollection: """ Align a collection of RHEED fingerprints by relabeling the nodes to connect the same scattering features across RHEED patterns, based on relative position to the center feature. Returns: (tuple[DataFrame, list[RHEEDImageResult]): Pandas DataFrame object with aligned RHEED fingerprint data """ image_scales = [ rheed_image.processed_image.size for rheed_image in self.rheed_images ] image_scale = np.amax(image_scales, axis=0) if node_df is None: extra_iter = ( self.extra_data if self.extra_data else [None] * len(self.rheed_images) ) node_dfs = [ rheed_image.get_pattern_dataframe( extra_data=extra_data, symmetrize=False, return_as_features=False ) for rheed_image, extra_data in zip(self.rheed_images, extra_iter) ] node_df = pd.concat(node_dfs, axis=0).reset_index(drop=True) labels, _ = pd.factorize(node_df["data_id"]) node_df["pattern_id"] = labels linked_df = f=node_df, search_range=np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(image_scale))) * search_range, memory=1, t_column="pattern_id", pos_columns=["relative_centroid_1", "relative_centroid_0"], ) rheed_images: list[RHEEDImageResult] = [] splits = [group for _, group in linked_df.groupby("pattern_id")] for split, rheed_image in zip(splits, self.rheed_images): mapping = dict(zip(split["node_id"], split["particle"])) # don't relabel the specular 0 node. if 0 in mapping: mapping.pop(0) rheed_image.pattern_graph = nx.relabel_nodes( # type: ignore # noqa: PGH003 rheed_image.pattern_graph, # type: ignore # noqa: PGH003 mapping, ) for node in rheed_image.pattern_graph.nodes: rheed_image.pattern_graph.nodes[node]["node_id"] = node rheed_images.append(rheed_image) if inplace: self._rheed_images = rheed_images return self.__class__(rheed_images, self.extra_data, self.sort_key) # linked_df
[docs] def get_pattern_dataframe( self, streamline: bool = True, normalize: bool = True, symmetrize: bool = False, return_as_features: bool = True, ) -> tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]: """Featurize the RHEED image collection into a dataframe of node features and edge features. Args: streamline (bool): Whether to streamline the DataFrame object and remove null values. Defaults to True. normalize (bool): Whether to min/max normalize the feature data across all images. Defaults to True. symmetrize (bool): Whether to symmetrize the RHEEED images and segmented patterns about the vertical axis before obtaining the DataFrame representation. Defaults to False. return_as_features (bool): Whether to return the final feature-forward DataFrame. Defaults to True. Returns: (DataFrame): Pandas DataFrame object of RHEED node and edge features. """ node_feature_cols = [ "spot_area", "streak_area", "relative_centroid_0", "relative_centroid_1", "intensity_centroid_0", "intensity_centroid_1", "specular_origin_0", "specular_origin_1", "fwhm_0", "fwhm_1", "area", "eccentricity", "center_distance", "axis_major_length", "axis_minor_length", "roughness_metric", ] # TODO: add edge features # edge_feature_cols = ["weight", "horizontal_weight", "vertical_weight", "horizontal_overlap"] image_iter = ( zip(self.rheed_images, self.extra_data) if self.extra_data else zip(self.rheed_images, [None] * len(self.rheed_images)) ) dfs = [ rheed_image.get_pattern_dataframe( extra_data=extra_data, symmetrize=symmetrize, return_as_features=return_as_features, ) for rheed_image, extra_data in image_iter ] data_df = pd.concat(dfs, axis=0).reset_index(drop=True) keep_cols = node_feature_cols + list( {key for extra_data in self.extra_data for key in extra_data} ) if return_as_features: data_df = data_df[keep_cols] if streamline: data_df = data_df.dropna(axis=1) if normalize: for col in node_feature_cols: data_df[col] = (data_df[col] - data_df[col].mean()) / ( data_df[col].std() + 1e-6 ) return data_df # type: ignore # noqa: PGH003
def _sort_by_extra_data_key(self, key: str): """Sort the RHEEDImageCollection by an extra data key""" if key not in self.extra_data[0]: raise ValueError( f"Extra data key {key} not found in the extra data dictionary." ) sort_order = [extra_data[key] for extra_data in self.extra_data] return np.argsort(sort_order) # self._rheed_images = [self.rheed_images[idx] for idx in sorted_indices] # self._extra_data = [self.extra_data[idx] for idx in sorted_indices] def __getitem__(self, key: int | slice) -> RHEEDImageResult | RHEEDImageCollection: if isinstance(key, int): return self.rheed_images[key] if isinstance(key, slice): return self.__class__( self.rheed_images[key], self.extra_data[key], self.sort_key ) return self.__class__( self.rheed_images[key], # type: ignore # noqa: PGH003 self.extra_data[key], # type: ignore # noqa: PGH003 self.sort_key, ) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.rheed_images)